HOLY CRAPTASTIC! Summer is over.
Right now we are overcoming this overbearingly hot weather which has had its detrimental effects from just sweating too much to making it almost impossible to go out on my daily runs or etching our tires within the dust of various cycle trails. In short, my miles have decreased, but not all is bad.
The spring weather of mid May brought on our move into a very vibrant looking pink and very much over the top house. This project in progress is entailing a lot of work... think working or multitasking in current English speak. Many positive results occurred due to the move... especially me pretending to display better organizational skills (aka; keeping things clean all the time). Yes, my running or therefore lack of did suffer partially due to the move. Blame the torturous hot weather for much lacking mileage... what else can I say? The fact is that this never ending move help to keep me in reasonable epic shape while also developing a sort of a green thumb. I know nothing about flowers and plants except that the chemical called h2o keeps them going and going.
(The New Homestead)
Most importantly... okay.. I am sounding boring now The past few years, a massive hurricane of lameness has struck me in the ROCKNROLL Department. Excuse or not? My age had taken hold of me and wrung every inch of my rocknroll attitude out of me. Frankly, my ringing ears have got really tired of listening to the regurgitated sounds of the past twelve years. I have become oh so jaded and very cynical in my older age and frankly trendy music or appearance do not matter much to me anymore. Bring me the primitive sounds of the great bands like the Gories, The Oblivians, or even the garage-punk superstars, The Cramps. Give me a guitar, like my cheapo electric Silvertone guitar and I will annoy the entire household, then go running the next hour. Basically rocknroll motivates me as running motivates me... running is like a death sentence to most rockers and vice versa.... blah blah blah.
Before I sign off, listen to, take in and enjoy my fave song by the (insert your favorite genre label) The Gories.
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